Employment in U.K

Job Seekers

  • Jobcentre Plus Programmes and Services
  • Looking for work
  • Planning a career
  • Help and advice when applying for a job

Employment Terms & Conditions

  • The national Minimum Wage
  • Time off and holidays
  • Pay
  • More about employment terms and conditions

Understanding your work status

  • Agency workers and employment agencies
  • Agricultural workers
  • Migrant workers
  • More about your work status

Trade Unions

  • Trade union membership
  • Industrial action
  • Trade unions in the workplace

Employee information and consultation

  • New information and consultation arrangements
  • Employee information and consultation rights
  • Types of information and consultation arrangements
  • Information and consultation in multinational companies

Redundancy and Leaving your job

  • Redundancy
  • resigning or Retiring
  • Dismissals

Health and Safety at work

  • Employer's health and safety responsibilities
  • Employee's health and safety responsibilities
  • Workplace stress
  • More about health and safety at work

Problems at work

  • Grievance procedures
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Employment Tribunals
  • More about problems at work